« Anyone who wants to see the light clearly needs to wipe his eyes first »
Zaraeeb, comprised of 16 individual artworks and largely made up of zoomed-in fragments of his intricate style, is a continuation of eL Seed’s internationally renowned monumental public art installation, Perception, produced in the Cairo suburb of Manshiyat Nasr spanning 50 city buildings. Each piece of Zaraeeb is named after an individual living in Manshiyat Nasr who greatly touched eL Seed while he was on this emotional journey. Manar, Mario, Abanoub, Uncle Bakheet, Uncle Ibrahim, Aunt Farida and many more Zaraeeb people are now eternalized in each fragment of the exhibition. They opened their homes and their hearts to eL Seed and his team during the making of Perception, exhibiting incredible warmth, trust and hospitality from what is normally a closed and fiercely guarded community.